I'm a cancerian moon maiden
and the monthly cycles of the moon effect me in varying degrees.
This week (18th June 2012) feels very special to me....having just cOMpleted a miraciously enLIGHTening journey teaching the chakras it's seems apt that this week is a New Moon for my first class and then a few days later the Summer Solstice - wow dark n light in one week marked Universally. and to end my week I am hosting an Urban Yoga Day Retreat themed Through Empowerment, Expand Your Edge and Evolve... I am feeling immense Gratitude at this time :)
The New Moon Meaning
The moon is connected with a person's emotional make-up, your unconscious habits, your rhythms, your moods and memories. It is also associated with the mother,for example your
maternal instincts or the urge to nurture. the moon is linked to the home, and the past. - ahh that's why I am such a hOMe loving creature.
The New Moon is a time for renewal, rebirth, on all levels; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. It's when you can choose to bring a newness to relationships, projects or even renew an existing relationship breathing new life and love into it, or renew a project that somehow life had pulled you away from. The New Moon is a time for awakening or re-awakening and sowing the seeds and onSERVE how they evolve as the moon emerges full...
My New Week
So having cOMpleted the chakras series, I feel alive, embracing the full spectrum of life and this week is a real special start of my personal intentions for my life.
Tomorrow's New Moon's has given light for me to embrace my darker side within with love and to turn inside and reflect. I've been circular in my yoga practice, practicing Chandra Namaskars and being more fluid, rhythmical to awaken and give birth to new ideas and to nurture the whole of me, BEing present in the mOMent. For when I am grounded, awakened it allows me to offer more to the worls and those I encounter
My invitation to you - take this time of the cycle of the moon which turns dark to go inwards, meditate, do sOMe pranayama and reflect on what you would like to bring to fruition. Plant the seeds now through your intention and watch them grow over the next month.... think and dream big
Have a great week!
My next blog will be on my magical trip to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice :-) Saprema
Michelle x
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