I've just experienced a wonderful massage with essentail oils I blended. As I lay they I drifted in and out of consciousness, deLIGHTing in the rhythmical movements of my masseuse's hands and the flow of the energy.
And so as I bathe in the light in the after glow of a massage it got me thinking...I practice cOMplementary therapies as well as teaching Yoga and just like a practice Yoga everyday I also have regular treatments - I like to honour what I enCOURAGE others to do. the power of touch is so healing, yet it goes much deeper than this... it's not just indulgence or pampering
Touch is one of our primary senses, touch is healing, touch is soothing, touch is releasing, touch is powerful, touch conveys meaning...as babies or children we relied on loving touch to be soothed. As we become older where do you now receive non invasive touch form? for me Massage is an extended form of healing touch and has been used by various cultures for thousands of years.
Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion. ~ Buddha
I use to have massage when I was in pain or stressed now it is a part of my life just as yoga is. I have learnt to not wait til I feel low energy or life is taking its toll, instead I cOMpassionately give myself the time to reflect, the space to receive and perceive from the massage table...
Just as I show up on my yoga mat to enquire to listen to evolve, I listen to what my body, mind and heart is requesting from a treatment. Massage has helped me on this journey of self discovery and the therapists who have assisted in my own healing I am immensely grateful to...
To touch can be to give life. ~ Michelangelo
Think about when you hold someone's hand, or when you give or receive a hug or even when you shake someone's hand or when you rub a friend's back or a child's tummy pain. Your energy is connecting with another person's energy - how does it make you feel? and how might it make them feel? and can you add universal love to that touch so that you touch someone's heart, make them smile frOM within because your touch conveyed sOMe meaning...and was intiated from your heart and a place of healing
Just a few thoughts of mine on touch..
all love n light
Friday, 24 February 2012
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