Continuing on from last month's Forward Bend Pose Paschimottanasana the pose I am talking about today is the counterpose for the Forward Bend - it stretches and opens the body after you have folded forward in Forward Bend - so here it is...
Easy Pose, Inclined Plane – Purvottanasana
In India, Yoga is traditionally practiced facing East, and the front of the body is the East side hence the name of this pose; Purva is front or east in Sanskrit, ut is intense and tan is stretch so Purvottanasana is an intense stretch of the front of the body. Easy Pose is a counter pose for the Forward Bend, last month's posture which folds the body. Easy Pose is practiced after Forward Bend as it stretches the whole of the front of the body and as mentioned, it also strengthens the hips, wrists, and arms and loosens the shoulders as well as increasing their flexibility.
For some people this is not such an “easy” pose as they use their lower back area rather than their hips flexors or hamstrings. If your hamstrings, arms, wrists or shoulders are too weak for this posture then Tabletop Pose Chatus Pada Pitham, is a great alternative to help you prepare for Easy Pose and allows you to strengthen before going on to Easy Pose.
Benefits of Easy Pose include:• Strengthens wrists, arms and shoulders
• Increases flexibility
• Stretches the whole front of the body
• Develops balance and muscular co-ordination
How to practise Easy Pose:
1. After Forward Bend Pose; Easy Pose is a counter posture. Place your hands shoulder distance apart about 6 inches behind the back with the fingertips pointing away from the body or pointing towards the feet.
2. Inhale, press the hands down and lift the buttocks up, taking the weight of the body in the hands and feet, aiming to get all ten toes on the floor. Keep the arms straight as you lift the hips as high as is comfortably possible and the head in line with the spine; start with the chin tucked in slightly (photo of me in black) and then gradually allow the neck to release and lengthen with control, tilting the head back - try not to let the head go completely, keep control and only extend as far is comfortable for you (photo of me in the white). Try to keep the heels and toes together and the thighs rotating inwards and the chest open and high to the sky, whilst pressing the floor away with your hands. It is fine if the toes don’t touch the floor in time they will.
3. If it is difficult to lift the hips high and the body in a straight line, then you can practice Tabletop - bend the knees whilst you are seated on the floor, keeping them hip distance apart, bringing the feet about 6 inches away from the hips. Inhale and lift the hips up creating a table top with the knees bent and arms straight, still lifting the hips comfortably.
4. Stay in the posture for five to ten breaths then exhale and lower the hips to the floor back into a seated position.
Share more with you soon...
Om shanti
PS. If you would like to let go of any of your stresses and experience deep relaxation quite simply check out my new Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation CD - you don't need to know anything about Yoga to practice this, you simply lie on the floor and be guided into deep relaxation
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