Friday 18 May 2012

Rest in the ground of your Being

The last two years have been amazingly transformational for me. A year ago I would not have used the word “amazing”, I was in a dark place and my life felt far from amazing. It was heartbreaking on many levels, physically I literally couldn’t walk, the slightest movement I was in so much physical pain in my whole body, emotionally I was drained and grieving, mentally I was frazzled, spiritually I questioned why? who am I? what is it all about? yet through all the pain and self inquiry I knew I was transforming from within and all the situations leading up to it were all my teachers.

At one particular time I was unable to do any physical Yoga practice, I couldn’t walk and all I kept worrying about was I want to practice Yoga! Eventually I realised my practice was to surrender to Grace, totally surrender and just be vulnerable and find the courage in that.

Life is a journey and I knew very well I was on one of my own, yet I had put a mask on for so long to veil my hurts. Through being forced to be still, I listened. When I could again move my immersion in the practice was different, more compassionate and embracing my meditations from my heart the veils slowly lifted; the radiance in my heart shone and the light permeated my whole being. 

I declare from my heart now; I am in the best place I have been all my life and everything that has happened in my life has made me stronger, nourished me towards the abundance I feel now in the present. I am grateful.

The clarity in connecting with my purpose, the joy of life, the love and light I feel; the gratitude for each new morning and every moment I breathe in life and exhale gratitude has given birth to blossoming. This has rippled into every aspect of my life.

I started to work deeper through the Yoga practices and as I delved in deeper my Dharma was revealed ~ the desire to become who I was meant to be, to resonate with and thrive from my unique purpose. This was a new road on the journey... I feel in alignment, yes there are ups and downs in life yet at my centre, I am more connected to the Divine within and all around and re-affirm this daily through my practices.
Lotus Flower
The lotus is an exquisite flower that evolves from the dark muddy waters to unfurl with most radiance. Each day the lotus closes at dusk and each dawn opens and blooms.– symbolically this is metaphor for individuals beings growing and evolving from primitive beings into fully blossoming consciousness of awakened beings. Life can be dark and challenging yet we still have at our essence, at our heart the radiance to blossom and peel off the layers to reveal our true self like the lotus...

The lotus represents the Divine Self. As harsh or dark as the world is at times, every one of us is still connected to our sacred Self, the light within our heart is always present, it’s bringing the darkness to light. This is revealed in the Buddhism Lotus Sutra. Each person has the inherent ability to reach his or her full potential and blossom in the midst of the muddy waters of life..

Birth of my own lotus
For the past 5 weeks, I have been teaching a journey through the chakras. The chakras are also called lotuses symbolising the unfurling of the flower petals, metaphorically describing  the opening of the chakras.

This resonated with me in so many ways, for the last two years as I immersed myself in my Yoga practices to heal wounds, I drank in the divine in every respect and peeling off layers to open and blossom from the lotus of my heart..

Through my meditations I knew I wanted to re-design my business logo to be more representative of me, my work, my purpose, my wish for my clients...  Everything came to me before starting to teach the chakras, yet this journey and seeing so many of my students resonating with the practices and the classes becoming so popular really affirmed my wish to reveal my vision.. The  Lotus flower epitomises everything I wanted to creatively expresses. I chose the Lotus and the figure within to represent the unfurling of each individual’s journey to polish their heart to awaken and emerge into their radiance and shine! I had been witnessing this in myself and in my clients.

At the time of its birth, this week I am teaching about Visuddha, the throat chakra, all about communication, truth, words and creative expression, so it seems fitting for me to give voice to my journey and my wish for each and every person..

I light a path for healing and transformation. I love from the Divine light in my heart,  continuing to evolve and expand to serve others with love, joy and laughter.

Relax into your Radiance


HealingTreatments :

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