Monday 3 June 2013

the Crooked path of Life reveals blessings in the lesson...

This is the story of Astavakra, his beautiful journey from within the womb to becoming a young man... He illuminates the power of steadfast faith, triumphs over ridicule, humble gratitude and love for ones parents.

Once upon a time long long time ago or maybe not so long along; for this is a story within your own story for today....
When Astavakra's mother became pregnant she had this desire is wanting her child to be wise and knowledgeable in the Vedas, her husband taught the Vedas, So she sat in her husbands lessons listening to the chanting Vedic mantras,
The belief was that if an expectant mother exposed herself to the spiritual teachings the child in the worm hears them and gathers the knowledge and becomes insightful.

So while his mother was pregnant his father was reading the verses from the Rig Veda, (a collection India's oldest and most sacred hymns),  and he would wriggle or move whenever his father pronounced something wrong. Astavakra father became annoyed and cursed Astavakra before the boy was even born. so Astavakra's name is eight - (Asta,) crooked - (Vakra,)  angles of limbs. 

Astavakrasana lights up my whole being...
Despite his fathers quick temper  and curse Astavakra remained a faithful and dutiful son and very wise in the Vedas Scriptures. When Astavakra was 12 his father lost a priestly debate and was banished to the watery realm of Varuna, the lord of death. Although the journey was long and would have taken a great deal of effort and persistence Astavakra travelled to the King's court in order to challenge the man who would beat his father at the Priestly debate. 
The journey Astavakra made was long, the journey was hard and still he kept going, he was ridiculed for his shape and the people at the court when he arrived just laughed at him. But then Astavakra opened his mouth and began to speak, Everyone soon discovered that he was deeply insightful and wise in the scriptures even though he was only a boy...Astavakra challenged the priest to a debate and triumphed, winning his father's freedom and the people who once mocked him became his disciples.. The beautiful ending is when  Astavakra bathed in the river  by Varuna he walked out and all of his limbs were straight...Ahh the boons offered by the gods t otiose deserved...

Astavakra's story illustrates the human tendency to judge things by their appearance rather than the true essence. The crooked shapes I like to think as the different perspectives that we may need to embrace or even let go of. 
For the yogi on their Sadhana it illustrates the power of steadfast faith, that the journey might be long, it might be hard, there may be challenges to overcome but if you stay rooted in yr essence with your goal in mind, you just need to seek the blessing is the lesson.

Astavakrasana pose may seem very difficult but it isn't once you know the technique.  It is trying to teach you that even when things seem or appear extremely convoluted if you know how to arrange them or you begin to look differently, then your situation might not be as hard or crooked as it looks.  
  • Have you found this in your own life?  
  • Have you had a problem that you just don't know how to work it out? 
  • Have you've been feeling disjointed and may need to change your perspective? 
  • Do you need to remould the path in your life?

This posture is about teaching you to work less, to soften, it's more about the knowledge than effort. It's not a pose in which you fight, the Bhava, the feeling evoked is more the sense of freedom and accomplishment. 

So next time you're trying to practise Astavakra, pause, remember Astavakra Journey, is it related to your own journey  in life...  
  • Do you judge people or situations by their appearances? 
  • How does your own appearance shape your views on yourself?
  • What do you need to do, feel or let go of to have more faith? 
  • Can you trust your inner knowledge to show you the way on the crooked path of life? hope you enjoyed the story and feel empowered to overcome the physical obstacles and connect to the illuminated power within to persevere in practising this beautiful asana ~ Astavakrasana


ps - Join me for more stories of the myths of yoga on my retreat weekend 21-22 September in London... you'll be exploring the inner landscape of your own body, mind and heart... here's the details Urban weekend Yoga Retreat or book now 

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