Sunday 8 September 2013

Ganesha Chaturthi

Threshold is the place for transformation. 

Jai Ganesha ❤️

Ganesha is known to love his sweets... for you this is encouraging you to look for the sweetness in your own life! even through the challenges and the obstacles that Ganesha might place before you, he's encouraging you to seek the path of sweetness and savour every mOMent, giving thanks for the challenge, rather than stress...

here's a sweet story of Ganesha and his sweets...

Lord Ganesha, on one of His birthdays, was going around from house to house, accepting the offerings of sweets. He was happily filling his belly and ate lots of sweets and set off home, on his mouse. Suddenly, the mouse stumbled, as it became frightened seeing a snake. Ganesha fell down off the mouse and his stomach burst open and all the sweets fell out. Ganesha picked himself up and then picked up all the sweeties putting them back into his belly and  took the snake and tied it around his belly. 

The moon saw Lord Ganesha doing all this and found it so funny and started laughing and laughing his heart out. The moon's behaviour annoyed the Ganesha immensely. So, he pulled out one of his tusks and hurled it against the moon. At the same time, Ganesha cursed the moon that no one would look at it, on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi. If anyone does, he will surely earn a bad name. Since then, people refrain from looking at the moon, on the night of the festival.

So the moon was dark, and this was at a time when the moon was always full. the world went into despair, where wa sthe moonlight, where has all the inspiration gone, the stars became sad and the gods ask Ganesha to reconsider his curse. Ganesha said that from now on the moon will shine again but it will wax and wane and so the face of the goddess has equal faces of light and dark. becoming full before turning inward once again. this gives us the rhythm and cycles of life. 


Ganesh riding his mouse represents the Truth Seeker, who, by means of his body, his mind and his understanding, tries to reach his spiritual goal to finally convey the unlimited fullness of your own luminosity.


As you start to evolve, you sit at a threshold, a place of old self and the unknown – new one – do you recognise this stage at any time in your life? 

this is a sign your in true transformation, expanding your edge and evolving, it's empowering time yet it doesn’t always feel like that. Yoga practice helps to nurture to support, guide, release... and seek the sweetness Ganesha so loves


When things become challenging, we become reactive and want to run the other way – compassion for your self is essential.  Resting in the ground of your being, embracing your light and still staying open, not allowing the dark to consume centred, is where your personal practice is finding your edge and observe being at the threshold, discovering how you can go to your edge without running away or reacting so you can connect to all that is.  

Ganesha Chaturthi

On the even of Ganesha Chaturthi, view it as another threshold, a gateway so over the next 11 days invoke and honour Ganesha. allow the obstacles to become the gateway, the teacher is within encouraging you towards deep growth and use the practices to breakthrough...

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha 

May the blessings of Sri Ganesha be upon you all! May He remove all the obstacles that stand in your spiritual path! May He bestow on you all material prosperity as well as liberation! 

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