Wednesday 9 December 2009

Massage For Stress Related Problems By Robin Brain

At every opportunity throughout this book I have talked about how incredible massage can be in the management of stress. Approximately one ­third of absences from work can be attributed to the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression, so it is in everybody's interest to deal with stress as quickly as possible. However, not all stress is bad since we need a certain amount to give our lives zest and excitement. Its only when demands made on us become too great that we suffer the negative aspects of stress and then seem unable to cope.

There is a strong link between stress and illness: it affects the immune system, making people more vulnerable to infection; it is related to high blood pressure and heart disease; it can cause headaches and backache; and there are even suggestions that there may be a link with cancer, due to the effects of stress on the immune system. So by relieving stress not only will you feel better, but you are also reducing your chances of developing other problems in the future.

Massage for stress-related problems

The best way of relieving stress, anxiety, and depression is with a full body massage. This will induce a sense of relaxation, and relaxing is the thing that most stressed people find impossible to do. You should concentrate on the areas your partner likes best. Keep the massage as flowing and rhythmic as possible, since that will sweep away the tension that is causing the physical problems.

To enhance the relaxing effects of the massage, try adding a calming essential oil to your massage oil. You may also try using the oils in a relaxing bath as well.

Stress-induced insomnia

Insomnia often occurs as a result of stress, and massage can help you break the vicious cycle of tiredness and inability to sleep. Give the massage regularly at bedtime until you have broken the habit. Your partner should lie on a bed so that if he or she succumbs to sleep during the massage you can leave him or her happily dozing. Ideally, you should do a complete body, face, and head massage, which takes about 1 1/2 hours.

If you don't have much time, you will get the quickest results by concentrating on the back, abdomen, feet, and face. You can massage all four areas in any order, or just one, depending on how quickly your partner relaxes. Follow a basic back massage routine but avoid stimulating movements, such as pummeling and energetic kneading, and spend a long time on soothing strokes such as the cat stroke. For the abdomen, feet, and face, give slow and gentle touches on each area. Shiatsu massage can also be helpful in treating insomnia.

I have numerous clients who, through regular massage, have stopped using prescription medicine and consider that massage is the very best medicine - as effective as drugs or alcohol without any of the side effects.

Self-help for stress-related problems

There is a lot you can do for yourself if you are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or if you are having trouble sleeping. One of the problems associated with stress is that it affects your mental health, which can cause people to suffer from low self-esteem; spending time on yourself will help boost morale. Try self-massage; if you take the time and trouble to complete the whole routine you will be amazed at how much better you feel both immediately afterward, and for hours and even days later.

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