cOMe back to yourself, ground and set an intention for your year ahead and through your yoga practice bring all your desires to fruition ~
.....As we say good-bye to 2012 and welcOMe 2013, what are your feelings? are you grateful for the year you've just experienced? what have you learnt? what do you want to bring forth into 2013 and let go of?
these are sOMe questions i've pondered in December, especially as I've been preparing for my New Year Urban Day Retreat at YogaRelax… and How Yoga really helps you move forward with your life...
'In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.' Krishnamurti
are you ready to give yourself the key and open the door?
So welcoming in 2013, through the practice of Yoga, I will help to
support you to find the door and use the key on the new journey.
Tools you need to achieve your goals
Yoga gives the time, space and opportUNITY to cOMe back to
yourself again and again to create yourself again as
conscious being that is in harmony with the One consciousness of the
Universe. Everyday life you may find pulls you in different
directions and you can lose your centre or forget your true
nature, your essence, ultimately you may forget your
magnificence ~ which ultimately is free and Divine, and yoga is the tool
for you to reconnect, re-awaken.
What you seek is SEEking you ~ Rumi
Tantra is a cOMplete and glorious approach to
Yoga, Tantra acknowledges the body as a temple, where the god of your own
unique awareness resides and teaches the worship means to learn, be open to and
master the dormant force of Shakti. Like the thread of a necklace, Tantra links
all the gems that are the diverse aspects of Yoga into a united whole; mantra,
mudra, asana, pranayama, meditation, bandha, bhakti.
Thresholds & Intentions
New Year is a time of threshold(s), as the
global cOMmUNITY ventures into the newness of 2013, letting go of the last
year and embarking on a new one… and embracing all it holds
wholeheartedly. Events and situations arise its how you respond or you
choose how to respond –I invite you to do it differently rather than
the habitual. New Year opportunity to start afresh = YOU CHOOSE
let go of habitual patterns, LET GO of the old year,
respond differently RESPOND from your magnificence, for if you
make a difference this will have an affect on the global community.
So at New Year people make new years resolutions
that tend to be forgotten, much like the forgetting of your true nature… I want
to introduce you to a sankalpa.
A sankalpa in Sanskrit means resolve,
determination and intention – it is;
What you really wish to fulfill in this
It resonates precisely in your core and
aligns sublimely with your essence.
It is a will power that is flexible and
fluid enough to account for changing circumstances as the sankalpa
begins to manifest in your inner and outer world.
A Sankalpa is more conscious than a new years resolutions, it is an
intention for your life to come to your fullest potential.
It all
begins with intention. Conscious change is composed of attention,
awareness and intention
Your intention can be multilevel in its purpose ~ physical,
emotional, mental, and spiritual. A sankalpa helps
you realize and awaken to your Divine nature, and co-create your
Why: Setting an intention is a powerful way to harness the
energy of your practice towards your highest
purpose. Just as we work with the alignment of our joints
and muscles in yoga asana, we can also align our spirit through
sankalpa. It shifts your attitude towards the positive and that
creates a change within you
The Upanishads
state, “You
are your deepest desire” [sankalpa].
As is your desire so is your intention. As is your
intention so is your will. As is your will so is your deed. As is your deed so
is your destiny. ~ Deepak Chopra
Set an intention on what we wish to see happen –
not based on fear – it is an intention that SEEks the highest –
the sacred
Your yoga practice is the tool for understanding the body
and mind more fully, to experience yourselves more completely and to
be present to the depth of who you truly are. It is an opportunity
to set an intention to step into the sacred, to experience your self beyond the
body and invoke into your body the space for your awareness to experience
It is through your moment-to-moment awareness, choosing to move
from the sacred that you act in ways, which reveal the
highest and deepest offerings from within yourself.
Every moment presents you with a choice, every
interaction, every relationship offers you the chance to move
the sacred from within, into the world.
When you begin to move with intention on the mat, and also gratefully
using an intention it becomes a ritualized practice; yes it stretches your body
and mind to become stronger and more flexible, yet beyond this it gives you the
opportunity to step deeper into your heart and into the heart of Yoga.
Vinyasa means link movement with breath or place in a special way. When
you place your hands and feet and move in an out of each asana with the breath
leading the way, this moves the practice into one in which it becomes an
embodied prayer that holds you in the present moment in your own divine heart.
The whole practice becomes a meditation in motion with divine intent, you
become one with the Divine and your own divinity ~ they are One!
"It is through your body that you realize you are a spark
of divinity." BKS Iyengar
"What is sadhana?
It’s a committed prayer. It is something that you want to do, have to do, and
which is being done by you. … Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something,
which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal
process in which you bring out your best." ~ Yogi Bhajan
Sadhana is a daily spiritual
practice designed to allow you to turn inward and perceive your
life as it truly is; it is the foundation of all spiritual endeavor.
Sadhana is your personal, individual spiritual effort. It is the main tool you
use to work on yourself to achieve the purpose of life. Sadhana is whatever you
do consistently to clear your own consciousness so you can relate to the
divinity within you.
A spiritual practice allows you to interweave
your spiritual identity with your worldly identity, make your spiritual life
one with your worldly life…
Iyengar describes sadhana in terms
of practice ~ abhyasa and completed action ~ Kriya i.e.
meditation, neti, kapalabhati, nadi shodhana, mantras
Sadhana is a discipline
undertaken in the pursuit of a goal. Abhyasa is repeated practice
performed with observation and reflection. Kriya, or action, also implies
perfect execution with study and investigation. Therefore, sadhana, abhyasa, and Kriya all mean one and the same thing. A sadhaka, or practitioner, is one who skillfully applies...mind and
intelligence in practice towards a spiritual goal
As you commit to a regular sadhana, say for 40 days, every day this
creates discipline, you evolve, and plant seeds of intention that grow and
become the foundation for your life and so you open the doors of
experience. I invite you to cOMmit to meet your higher Self each morning
as you awaken…. simply lie in savasana before you get up and ask, your higher
Where do you wish me to go?
What do you wish me to do?
What do you wish me to say and to whom?
As you begin to cOMmune with the universe, your
life will begin to witness the essence of your soul; your radiance will
express the meaningful intimacy of the Divine in each moment from waking.
Imagine immersing yourself in the joy of victory that cOMes from
starting each day with a POWERful sadhana and intention and every
challenge becomes opportUNITY… as you choose to begin your sadhana, use
your sankalpa every morning as well, with the knowledge that as your sankalpa is
in the service of something much greater that you or your life.
As you embark
on this journey or rekindle or deepen the journey, acknowledge that you are
part of and an expression of consciousness that is one with Divine
consciousness that permeates everything….lastly always expression gratitude
from the love in your heart for your sadhana, your sankalpa, your practice,
your teachers, gurus, you life and all that fill it…
PS dive into 2013 with enthusiasm and make it an awesOMe year!
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